Originally published on August 9, 2023, updated August 9, 2023
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Amazon sellers often decide what to sell based on trends. Seeing what sells well on the platform right now can help you make an educated decision about what products to sell later.
But if your analysis starts and stops simply with identifying the types of products that make money, you may be missing out on valuable information about why those products are performing so well in the first place.
For a more comprehensive picture, consider performing an analysis of several top-rated Amazon products. Then go a step further to evaluate how they compare to low-rated items to make sure you can avoid some of the same mistakes.
All of the top-rated Amazon products are doing something right. To replicate their success, you want to understand the best practices that led to it.
The easiest way to find top-rated Amazon products is to click the Best Sellers category in the website’s main menu, located on the top-left side of the page. The products that sell well enough to make the Best Sellers list are almost always rated close to five stars.
Once you’re on the Best Sellers page, you can use the menu on the left to see the results within a specific department.
Or, if you used the search bar to look at certain products, another option is to use the dropdown menu in the top-right corner to sort by average customer review. The top-rated Amazon products will obviously be featured first.
The number of products on Amazon is vast (33.4 million items are sold in the clothing, shoes, and jewelry departments alone), so you may need to narrow your analysis down to a few top Amazon products.
Depending on how much time you have, that could mean reviewing 10 product listings or 50. To identify the most useful listings, pay attention to the number of ratings and reviews the product has. Look for listings that are similar to the items you sell or products that you’re considering selling.
Review each part of the listing and take notes as you go. Consider keeping a spreadsheet or a document to compile all your notes, divided by the main parts of an Amazon listing. That can include:
These various aspects collectively contribute to the overall quality of a listing. A listing that receives top ratings is guaranteed to possess exceptional quality.
Related reading: Understand Demand with Amazon Product Opportunity Explorer
Reviews are a great resource for learning the main factors customers use to evaluate different product types. Top-rated Amazon products will generally have tons of reviews. You don’t have to read all of them but do take some time to read through a nice selection of them.
Amazon makes it easy to quickly identify trends in the reviews with its Read reviews that mention section. You can click on any of these topics to see examples of reviews that include common phrases related to the topic.
Once you’ve completed your analysis of all the listings you selected, go back through your notes to identify traits that they have in common. Do most of them include videos, A+ content, or coupons? How many photos do they tend to provide, and what did you notice about the photos? Do they follow Amazon's image requirements? How informative were the descriptions, and what particular features did they emphasize? Did anything notable pop up in the reviews or Q&A sections?
Use your analysis to create a basic list of best practices for the listings in your product category. You can turn that into a checklist to use when creating new listings for your brand.
For obvious reasons, Amazon doesn’t make it easy to find low-rated products. But when one of your own listings underperforms, or when you come across a competitor’s listing that has a rating of three stars or less, analyzing it can provide a lesson in what not to do.
Be just as thorough in your review of a low-rated product. Look at each part of the listing like you did for the top-rated Amazon products. Make careful note of what’s different. And pay special attention to the reviews, as they’ll offer direct insight into why customers weren’t satisfied with their purchase. Then, make sure to incorporate these insights into your future product listings.
To find success as an Amazon seller, you have to be willing to learn and adapt over time. Periodically analyzing what works for top-rated Amazon products is a good way to gain current insights into how to succeed as well. And, analyzing low-ranked items can provide valuable intel into errors to avoid.
Remember, you don’t want to copy competitors exactly. But by understanding what gets them results as top Amazon products, you can incorporate best practices that will help you achieve similar success for yourself.
If you need help with monitoring your ASINs (or a competitor's!) for reviews, FeedbackFive can help. By utilizing this leading feedback and review software, you can streamline and simplify the process of sending review request emails and monitoring your ratings. This ensures that you're promptly informed if any issues arise with your products.
FeedbackFive has a user-friendly dashboard that provides a clear and comprehensive overview of all your review data. You have the option to view reviews across all your products simultaneously or select a specific ASIN to dive into its unique review history.
What sets FeedbackFive apart is its robust product analytics feature, which allows you to analyze your reviews and ratings in greater detail. Now you can get a deeper understanding of how customers perceive your items, identify common review trends, and shed light on the reasons behind prevalent ratings.
Furthermore, FeedbackFive keeps you up-to-date with timely text and email alerts whenever new product reviews are received, your listings are suppressed, your listing content changes, and more.
With FeedbackFive, you can automate and optimize your review monitoring process, freeing up your time to focus on other tasks while still gaining access to valuable review data.
Originally published on August 9, 2023, updated August 9, 2023
This post is accurate as of the date of publication. Some features and information may have changed due to product updates or Amazon policy changes.
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