
FBA Inventory Management

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Plan levels are based on the number of FBA orders your Amazon store processes each month. All features are available on every plan level. We like to keep things simple, so there are no hidden costs or charges based on a percentage of sales.
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Purchase order and shipments grid in RestockPro

Track Shipment and PO Status

Monitor purchase orders and Amazon shipments
See details such as source and destination, status, last sync with Amazon, next step, and requested & received quantities. FBA inbound receiving can take several days to weeks during busy seasons. Knowing where your inventory is located is key to deciding when to reorder from your supplier and informing your advertising strategy.

Create box content templates in RestockPro to easily insert the box dimensions, weight, and number of units in your FBA shipments to save time.

Illustration of calculator, pen, and purchase order document

Don't Get Lost in the Numbers

Manage PO details
You can mark units received from your supplier, remove items from your order, apply/remove a line item discount, make notes for your supplier, and more with RestockPro. Add tags to categorize orders, keep internal notes, and provide kit building details right from the PO. Download a CSV or email POs directly from the software.

Inbound shipment analyzer window in RestockPro

FBA Inbound Analyzer

Identify missing units
The Inbound Analyzer provides an overview of SKU quantities by shipment status and details about each shipment containing your selected SKUs. See the quantities sent and received, the difference (if any) between the two, shipment source, status, notes, the last date the shipment was updated, and more. Monitor your FBA inbound shipments and identify issues with ease.

Better FBA Inventory Processes

Improve your shipment and purchase order processes with RestockPro!