Cheat Sheet: Amazon FBA Fees

Get this free downloadable overview to learn about Amazon's FBA fees.

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Amazon FBA fees overviewManaging Amazon FBA fees can be challenging but it's crucial for profitability. Understanding how Amazon charges these fees can empower you to make decisions to reduce your fulfillment costs, such as selecting packaging with smaller dimensions or sending inbound inventory to multiple locations.

We created this guide so you can quickly learn about each type of FBA fee and easily navigate to the relevant Seller Central page to find the rates for your products.

Download this free resource to learn about:

  • FBA fulfillment fees
  • Low-inventory-level fees
  • Monthly inventory storage fees
  • Inventory storage overage fees
  • Returns processing fees
  • Aged inventory surcharges

You'll also find out about other FBA fees and potential fee discounts. Understanding Amazon FBA fees makes it easier to manage your profitability. A surprise aged inventory surcharge or overage fee can quickly damage your profit margins. Knowing what to expect can help you determine the best price for your products to maximize return and provide a buffer against rising costs.

Save on FBA Fees

Effective inventory management is the best way to prevent unnecessary fees because you're subject to FBA fees for having too little or too much inventory. Have an inventory strategy to ensure that you have enough stock at FBA without overstocking. Reducing your packaging size can help lower FBA fees, but it's important to ensure that items arrive undamaged to protect your seller reputation and the customer experience. 

You may be eligible for certain fee discounts in Seller Central. You can also save by sending your shipments to multiple fulfillment centers to reduce or eliminate the FBA inbound placement fee. Download the free guide to learn more!

Need a better FBA inventory planning process? Check out SellerPulse by eComEngine. The software includes FBA inventory planning reports and the most comprehensive low-inventory-level fee report available on the market. Dive into low and aged inventory surcharge details to make key business decisions. You'll also get low inventory and out-of-stock alerts in addition to listing monitoring features to protect your Amazon business.