Amazon Seller Case Studies

How a Canadian Private-Label Seller Doubled Sales

Written by Becky Trowbridge | Dec 29, 2021 7:47:12 PM

Trevor Hamon started selling on the Amazon marketplace about a year ago, but he’s no stranger to eCommerce. A few years ago, a friend introduced him to the concept of drop shipping and he quickly rose to the ranks of Bronze Level Top Seller on We recently had a chance to chat with Trevor and learn about how he uses FeedbackFive.

Getting Started

When Trevor moved to the Amazon marketplace, he got started with shipping his own textbooks and items from around his home using the FBM model. He then discovered the FBA program and has never looked back, going on to expand his Amazon business by creating his own private-label brand.

Trevor sold on the Amazon marketplace for approximately two months before seeking a feedback solicitation tool. He went on to explain how he became a loyal FeedbackFive customer:

I signed up for both FeedbackGenius and FeedbackFive and I just felt more comfortable with FeedbackFive; what was available, the options that were available, how it worked…and so I dropped FeedbackGenius at the end of the free trial and have focused on FeedbackFive."

Gathering Passive Intel

Like many Amazon merchants, Trevor has a limited number of hours in the day to devote to his business. He relies on his FeedbackFive daily summary message to see if he has received negative feedback that he needs to respond to. “The bottom line to me is passive intel; in other words, intel that is generated by the least amount of work as a repetitive task, and that feature is there in FeedbackFive,” he said.

From his experience on eBay and initial introduction to selling on the Amazon marketplace, Trevor is well aware of how long it can take to monitor ratings, request feedback, and the other daily tasks that he now automates through FeedbackFive. He loves being able to send a genuine thank you message with a polite request for seller feedback or a product review to the people who purchase his items. “To have that task automated is invaluable to me,” he said. “It saves me time that I can use for other things.”

Sales Have Doubled

Trevor noted that positive seller feedback and product reviews have helped boost his listings. In fact, he said that his sales have doubled since he began using FeedbackFive to solicit feedback and reviews.

“I believe that seller feedback is critical and product reviews are critical if I want to be successful at selling on Amazon, and FeedbackFive does that (automating requests) so awesomely for me. If people realized the value of your service, they would pay more,” he said. High praise, indeed!

We Want to Hear From You!

What FeedbackFive features have made the most impact on your Amazon business? If you want to share your FeedbackFive story in a case study, we're all ears! Just contact us to get started.

This post spotlights a satisfied user of FeedbackFive. This article is part of our series highlighting merchant success stories. As a thank-you for participating in this article, the customer received one free month of FeedbackFive. If you’re currently using FeedbackFive and would like to participate in this program, click here to request information.